The UK home of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy - 0800 690 6966

‘I felt CranioSacral Therapy would take my work and life to the next level. I was right.
The physical, mental and emotional release, from such a deep place, has been transformational, personally and professionally.’

Katie Light

You’re a therapist and you love what you do.

But, in your heart, do you sometimes wish you could do a bit more for your clients?
Have they plateaued in their improvement and you’re not sure what to do next?
Are you looking for some new pieces of the ‘treatment puzzle’?


Or are you looking for a NEW career as a therapist?


Whichever it is, we’re glad you’re here.

Whether you’re a qualified therapist or deciding to become one… I bet you’re curious. About how people heal, how to help them go deeper: physically, emotionally, mentally…

You know there’s more.

You want to become the best therapist you can be, assured and confident in your ability to help clients turn things around and get the results they are looking for.

CranioSacral Therapy is a purposeful, empowering and inspirational way to do that.

Our training is (so much) more than just a new set of techniques

(Even though the techniques we teach are actually awesome.)



All the while, healing at a deeper level yourself, so you can hold an even more superpower-ful space for others.



“For me CST is a way of life – I had no idea that it would change my life so fundamentally,
and would impact my entire family, all for the better…”

Caro O’Neill CST-D MCSS


Upledger CST training helps you up-level your hands-on skills

  • Experience how an extraordinarily light touch has a remarkable effect on deep structures and processes within the body.
  • As your hands get attuned to more and more intricate changes in the tissue and you’ll love the results this brings to your sessions and clients.
  • Feel more while seeming to do less…

Welcome to the magic of the CST paradox.(It makes sessions much easier on your hands and body too.)

  • Start to include parts of the body that you’ve probably been missing out – think cranial bones, the nervous system, many areas of deep fascia, just for starters…
  • Listening more deeply with your touch, you’ll know what a client needs from your hands.
  • You can relax. They start asking: “How did you know that?”.

In fact, get used to watching clients searching for words to explain the transformational shifts they feel (as often there are no words)!

And as your skills upgrade, you’ll witness more and more that’s’extraordinary’ – every day.


As you progress, your connection will deepen

Clients find what they didn’t even know they needed, experiencing breakthroughs that surprise and delight them.
You quietly enjoy in the privilege and pleasure of facilitating transformation in your client, and trust in yourself as a therapist. 


And becoming a qualified Upledger CranioSacral Therapist brings you so much more…

You receive lots of treatments (as well as giving them) – a hugely important part of the training, so that you intimately experience the change and transformation CST can bring about.

You do your own inner work and as you dive into the process more deeply, you improve your own health on every level – a great win-win!

Along the way you forge friendships and relationships that often stay with you far beyond your early training days.

You go on a journey that is as unique and individual as you are… 

The destination? (Where do you want to get to?)



So where do I start? 

All of our training starts with a class called CST1.

Already a Therapist? You also have the option of the Core Pack which includes all the things you’ll need to add CST to your practice, get competent and qualified.

The details are all HERE.


No therapy background (or qualification), but you want to build a thriving, joyful, prosperous business will make your soul sing?

Training From Scratch
is your pathway

“What I really like about the Upledger system is that it is extremely thorough; every course is really prepared and thoughtful, and each seems to spark your curiosity in a different way. But be prepared, once you are hooked, this work cannot be condensed into a few days… there are so many avenues of wonder to explore ”

Leyla Rees

Want to know more about CST first?  

Maybe you have just heard about CranioSacral Therapy and want to know more
about what it is and what it might be like to receive.

No problem… we explain it all here.


Hi, I’m Caroline Barrow.
I run the Upledger Institute in the UK.
The mission?
To hold a safe space for this amazing work that is filled with integrity and love.
To support our students to become the best CranioSacral Therapists they can be.
To change the world. 


I remember the moment I decided to become a therapist.

I’d always been fired up by living life to its fullest potential, how these miraculous bodies of ours work and how we can help and support others along our journeys. Late one night, contemplating what I wanted to do next in my life, I was suddenly hit by the realisation that becoming a hands-on therapist was a path that would tick these boxes. I felt inspired and excited.

I did some amazing training and learnt some awesome ways to treat, but there were sessions that seemed to lack something, I still didn’t feel I was good enough at what I was doing. I knew I could trust my hands as I worked, and wanted to be more effective, but couldn’t figure out how.

Then I found CranioSacral Therapy (or did it find me?!). It changed the game. It gave me the science to back up what I was feeling. It gave me a new lens to see what was happening in my practice. It taught me techniques that moved the needle for my clients which increased my confidence.

And now it continuously helps me to become a better therapist – a work always in progress of course. I never dreamed I’d be running the institute in the UK, organising the classes and teaching, but here I am, constantly spurred on by those moments when people’s faces light up with delight from the new things that they are feeling.

Twenty-five years on, what CST brings to the table still blows me away: I am left awed by clients, inspired by students and always deeply grateful.