To my husband: Why I Have to Continue Training in CranioSacral Therapy

This musing comes from my efforts to explain to my husband why I keep going on courses. 'Don’t you know enough already?' he asked again…
My reply:
Nick, you are an excellent engineer and mechanic (there’s nothing he doesn’t know about cars and motorbikes particularly).
If I were to give you a manual for a Ducati, which you haven’t worked on before, but not the bike itself, you’d have a pretty good idea what you were doing.
If I gave you the bike as well you’d be able to do almost everything, except for the bits that needed the ‘ever-so tricky’ tool to complete.
So you go to the ‘ever-so tricky’ tool shop where you buy the tool, but you don’t just buy the tool, the guy behind the counter used to work for Ducati so knows them inside out, he tells you all the extra bits and pieces you need to know.
You go home with the ‘ever-so tricky’ tool and hey presto the bike runs like a dream!!!
Of course you will have to go back to the ‘ever-so tricky’ tool shop every now and then if your tool breaks or you need a different one to for another function, as all things evolve and change.
So Nick, I have to go to the ever-so tricky’ tool shop (Upledger Tool Shop) and this time I was lucky enough to have Tim Hutton tell me all the extra bits and pieces, and to be sure I will have to go again for those extra tools, and hopefully I will have Tim or one of his mates give me all the extra bits and pieces.
He got it.
So while I am here I will just comment on My Description of CranioSacral Therapy
You know when your mobile ‘phone freezes or plays up? You take the battery out, rub the sim card and put it back together?
CranioSacral Therapy is a bit like that; liken it to rebooting your computer when it has a ‘FIT’.
My clients get it…..(I think – or they just think I’m weird and let me get on with it anyway.)
Lindsay Coker-Davies, during an awake moment in the early morning hours of Tim Hutton's Clinical Applications Class March 2015