5 (gm) Ways to Move Our Businesses Forward

We have been thinking about 2018 and what it will bring. After a year of many changes, we are looking forward to consolidating the changes we have made and building on them in the year(s) to come – in fact we are raring to get building the new HQ in Brighton!
We’ve also been brainstorming and have some exciting ideas on how we can bring CST to more therapists and thus more people in the coming year. As therapists we need to think about how we can make what we do known to the people who are likely to be interested. We thought you might be interested in some of the ways we approach this in relation to the essence of the work.
1. Build the dream – Intention with no agenda
Decide what it is you want. Consider and creatively mind map why you want it and what exactly it will bring to you… Don’t necessarily think about how it has to happen. Hold the intention of the dream with no agenda, or maybe an open agenda, about how it can manifest. Focusing on what the dream will bring you is often more empowering then focusing on the steps you need to take to get there – these happen organically once the essence is in place.
2. Manifesting our ideal clients
Businesses often build a detailed ‘customer persona’ – this is an excellent plan and can help you to really focus any marketing, as well as think though how you can effectively network and meet new and potential clients. But if we bring the ideas of 5gms and ‘time’ into the equation then we can see how sowing seeds about what we do, carefully wording our explanations so we meet a listener where they are at, and offering a neutral and safe space to our clients so that they can’t help but pass our name on to others, can be the best and most effective ways of building longevity into our businesses. When we are clear with what we offer and hold that clarity it will see us through. It is no accident that in the Techniques exam one of the questions is ‘how would you describe CST to a new client’ – think about this from the start! And in thinking how you might describe what you do….:
3. Speak to their hopes and dreams
Think about and even write down what your clients say they want from you. When have you needed to delve a little deeper into what they are really asking for? Then make some notes about the things that clients say to you after sessions. How have you helped then get closer to where they want to be? Once you have a clearer idea of this you will be able to speak to others, more directly addressing their hopes and dreams. You may also need to:
4. Address pains and fears
This could be around affordability, for instance, or not understanding the therapy or potential benefits. When poeple ask you questions think about ways you can respond. Sometimes it is just about asking more questions – all the ‘personification’ work we do in SER – use it here too!
FInd out what people are actually needing to know (remember to use 5gms in your questioning approach!!) A question may point to a more personal, inner fear, may simply be about overcoming:
5. Barriers and uncertainties
Not knowing what happens, how you will pay, what to expect, how you will feel afterwards, can be a massive barrier to booking a session. Clients like to know a little about the person treating them (this is surely why referrals work so well). Try to anticipate all these barriers and be ready to respond. We all fear the unknown, and if someone has never had CST (or any therapy), it’s worth being really clear on how sessions are conducted, both on a website and when you explain what you do.
Remember, “customers don’t care what you do, only what they are left with after you have
done it”. (Andy Bounds in ‘The Jelly Effect’) So true! So rather than ‘selling’ your therapy, ‘sell’ what you leave each person with. It could be: less pain, reduced stress, relaxation, self-understanding, freer movement, more energy, to ‘feel more like me’. When you have thought ahead about the ‘afters’ as he calls them you will be ready when people ask.